Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Influencing Your Subconscious 74/84

Wether you realize it or not, your subconscious is making tons of decisions for you every single day. It can be nothing more than just the smallest blip of a feeling when you're making a decision and all of the sudden your brain has made up your mind for you. You unconsciously make so many decisions every day that, if you can't control it, it can have a pretty devastating effect on your life.

Have you ever noticed how some people are just positive all of the time while some people are constantly negative? If you pay close enough attention, you'll realize that the positive people usually have more good things happen to them than the negative people do. They are usually more lucky and have more success. Do you ever wonder why that is? Part of the reason is that because they subconscious thoughts are more positive, leading them to more positive decisions and feelings, which in turn leads to even more positivity. Without them even needing to try, their brains automatically think happier thoughts and make them make more decisions that will make them happy. This, in turn, often attracts more luck and more success. No one wants to spend time with a negative person right?

So what can you do to become one of those people? How can you get your brain to automatically think positively? The biggest ways are to avoid negative things and people and to surround yourself with  positivity as often as possible. Even if you start off as someone who is always negatively thinking, enough positivity can start to switch your wiring a bit. The more often you do this, the more you can change your brain to default to positive.

The other half is to avoid negativity. Think of your brain as a glass of water. When you bring in negative stimulus like the news, tabloids, or you downer coworker, your water gets black and mucky. But when you constantly flush it with clean water from positive reading, thoughts, and people, the nasty water starts to clear out. The more often you can flush the black out with clean water the less effort it will take, and the less time you spend adding muck to your water the easier it is to flush as well.

Reading personal development books, inspirational videos of stories, and spending time with genuinely positive and upbeat people can really help your brain become and stay positive, and will be one of the most important decisions you make. Remember, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so make sure you choose those people carefully and ditch anyone who's not going to the same heights as you.

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