Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Why People Really Hire a Trainer 18/84

Raise your hand if you've ever had a gym membership that you stopped using. If you did raise your hand then know that you're not alone. In fact, about 67% of people who have a gym membership don't even use it. Think about that combined with the fact that only about 16% of the U.S. population has a gym membership in the first place and we're looking a pretty small percentage of people that actually go. Now, add in that around 3% of those people work with a trainer when they do go. So that begs the question, what is it about that .3% of people that draws them to asking for professional help when it comes to their fitness? That's a good question that were going to delve into pretty quickly.

There are a few big barriers that people run into when they try to start working towards their fitness goals. These things include; lack of time (usually perceived lack of time), lack of motivation, lack of knowledge, and lack of accountability. One, or all, of these things will usually lead to lack of results, which leads to quitting. If you're not seeing the results then why try right? Most, if not all, of these barriers can be broken down by seeking out some help, like a trainer, coach, or even the internet. The internet can be a particularly good one sometimes. You can find 1,000 free programs on the internet, watch sweet motivational videos, or spend you time on blogs and forums trying to learn everything you can about exercise and nutrition. That can add a ton to your results if you put the work in. 
But there is one of those barriers that stands above the rest. It's the hardest to break on your own and it's the one that people are will to pay hundreds or even thousands or dollars a month to get. 

Have you ever tried to make a change in your life based on sheer force of will alone? It's incredibly difficult and it often times fails miserably. I'm just as guilty of this as anyone. Look at this example for a minute and see if it sounds familiar.,,

Have you ever tried to start eating healthier while there was still some left over junk food in the house? You probably told yourself that you won't eat it because you're super motivated to eat better and finally start losing weight. You did great for a couple days, or even a couple weeks, but in the end your willpower failed and you downed that whole package of Oreos. The responsible thing would have been to toss those in the garbage when you decided to make the change, but you thought your strong will was going to be enough to prevent you from filling your face. If that sounds familiar then don't worry, it's happened to the best of us at times in some way or another. 

The point is that willpower alone is almost never enough to get you through a major life change. Eventually, motivation will waiver and it'll be extremely hard to stay the course. Situations like this are where a buddy, someone who is there just to make sure you do what you're supposed to do, becomes your single biggest asset. This buddy is called your 'accountability partner' and they can be the one thing that gets you through the tough times and makes sure that you're not eating that Oreo package. 

Let's go back to that same example from above. Imagine if every time you wanted to reach for a cookie, your accountability partner was there to smack your hand and give you a piece of broccoli instead. You totally wouldn't eat the cookies right? That's because accountability is such a strong force in this world that it can make you keep almost any goal or promise. If you know that there is just one person on your side and in your corner that is there to help you, it makes everything so much easier. 

So do you fit that description? Are you someone who struggles to hit your fitness goals no matter how bad you wanted them when you started? Are you someone who tries to rely on sheer willpower to eat better and go to the gym? If you are, then you probably could use an accountability partner. This could be a friend, spouse, or just a gym partner. But when it comes to fitness, there is no better accountability partner then a professional whose job it is to metaphorically smack the Oreo out of your hand. They are the little angel on your shoulder that tells you to get up and get to the gym instead of watching the Office on Netflix for the fifth time. They are your guide to what exercises to do in the gym so you don't feel self conscious. They are the coach in your corner that you know has your back and wants you to succeed more than anything so you can finally hit all of your goals.

If this post spoke to you then reach to someone and ask them to be your accountability partner. If you need that person to be a personal trainer who can write your programs and tell you how much to eat then reach out to me. I love to set aside time to get on phone and Facetime calls with people just to answer questions. I don't even care if you just need a single phone call, I'll try to give you as much help as I can. Shoot me an email or a Facebook message and we can set up a time to talk. Also, if you want to receive a free copy of my Top Muscle Building Tips and Top Fat Loss Tips then make sure you subscribe via the pop-up window. Right now you'll also get a free copy of the Nutrition Template that I use for myself and my clients. Subscribing will also let you join the private Facebook group that I just opened, This group will allow for much more engagement with each other than my Facebook page so I can make sure you guys are getting all of the info you need.

See you tomorrow!

Facebook: Greg Herceg - Personal Trainer
Instagram: @Greg.the.Trainer

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