Friday, June 2, 2017

How I Got Jacked, and How You Can Too Part 2 13/84

Good morning everyone! Hopefully Part 1 of this post made some sense to you and you got out of it what I intended. Part 2 is going to be about how I took those experiences from my early years of exercise and transformed them into the programs that I use now. I want to do this because my programs work. They work for me and they work for my clients so I want to be able to expose more people to the results.

Coming off of a background of sports specific training and functional training gave me a great base to work from when I started working one on one with clients here at Xperience Fitness.When I started, I knew that if I took the foundation of how I trained athletes then tweaked it to be able to train old ladies, then I would be able to get some good results from anyone. The main reason for that is because this type of training is meant to make people better at being people. I know that sounds weird but hear me out. There are certain things that every single human should be able to do. They are basic human movements and most people can't even do half. Those things include sitting in a deep squat, hinging at the hip, picking things up and moving them, and moving themselves in efficient ways. I want to train people in a way that helps them do all of those things better. Do you know what the best part of that is? Not only does that type of training help make every day activities easier, but it makes you look freakin awesome at the same time. When you focus most of your training on those important things, you end up getting jacked. Right now, I'm working with clients who have lost 20, 30 even 50 pounds using these principles, and I have other clients who are getting big and strong, PR'ing in the gym all the time. I'll be doing client spotlight posts on a few of them in the coming weeks once they let me. But the point is that it works if you work for it.

I've been purposely redundant in putting out some of the information about what I do with people and why I do it. I'm trying ingrain the point I know is important (which you can look back here, here, and here if you want more information). I'm probably just going to reiterate the same points a few more times because I know that whether you goal is to build muscle, lose fat, get stronger, be a better athlete, or almost anything else, then training the way myself and my clients do will get you there.

Just about everyone should focus on this but especially if you're new, spend most of your time focusing on the five basic movement patterns; squat, hinge, push, pull, and carry. Getting really good at those will take care of the most important parts of each workout. Do those things often and learn to do them in different ways. Sometimes lift with only one arm or leg at a time, load weights differently, carry stuff in a new way, use different equipment, but master those basics ASAP.

These basic principles, when combined with a good diet, can give you the blueprint to get to any goal you want. If you want me to write this blueprint for you, or just write you the plan itself, then let me know and we'll make it work. I'm helping tons of people every day and I don't mind helping more. Don't forget, if you want to be the first to hear about new posts, new programs, and get discounts on paid services, make sure to leave your email in the space above and join my Newsletter list! The list is growing rapidly so don't miss out!You'll also receive a free PDF cheat sheet of my Top Muscle Building and Top Fat Loss Tips when you join!

See you tomorrow!

Facebook: Greg Herceg - Personal Trainer
Instagram: @Greg.the.Trainer

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