Thursday, June 15, 2017

Best Ways to Increase Testosterone Naturally 26/84

This is a topic I bring up with a lot of my male clients, especially one's who are getting a little bit older. So many people know-a-days are super quick to try and sell you a pill that will boost your testosterone without ever recommending that you make sure that you have your natural ducks in a row first (because you can't make money from that). There are plenty of ways to boost you T levels without having to take anything crazy. These should all be accounted for before you start taking a supplement or go to you doctor for medication.

Also, and this one is big, if you're in your 20's there should be no way in HELL that you should be taking a test booster supplement. Those are already one of the biggest BS supps on the market (along with, in my opinion, cleanses and BCAA's)

Make sure you've optimized these things first before you ever worry about a pill

1.Eat Enough

A caloric deficit can potentially have a negative effect on test levels. This is part of the reason why you don't want to stay too low for too long. Cheat days can help as well.

2. Eat Fat

Cholesterol is a precursor for testosterone. You need to be eating enough of it if you want to make sure your levels are up. This doesn't need to be all the time but make sure you get some fat in your diet.

3. Lift Weights

Most people may already know this one, but lifting boosts your T pretty well. Lift heavy and often and focus on getting stronger always (where have I heard that before?).

4. Lose Fat

When you're fat, your hormones are all screwed up. Usually your estrogen levels are too high and you test is too low (among other things). Losing that extra body fat can have a drastic effect on you T levels.

5. Don't Overtrain

You want to work out, but not too much. Overtraining can crash your T and it can potentially take months to get it back to where it should be. Check out one of my free programs for guys and gals to make sure you're doing the right amount.

6. Don't Stress

Stress kills your test levels. Everyone gets stressed but you should make it a point to keep it as low as possible. Something as simple as 10 minutes of meditation and deep breathing can be magical for this.

7. Have Sex

Don't need to go into much detail on this one. Sex boosts T levels and you can tell your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/whoever that it's for your health!

8. Sleep More

Sleep deserves it's own 4 part series on this blog but I'll keep it simple for now. You need to sleep more then you are, 8 hours is the goal and yes I'm serious. I get 8 hours regularly and I'm often up at 4am.

Even if you're not suffering from low testosterone yet, you should still implement these things to keep you levels as high as you can. The higher the better (to an extent). My Free Fat Loss and Free Muscle Gaining Tips are almost done! And I have to say that they're looking pretty awesome. Those will be free to anyone who subscribes here. Right now you'll also get a free copy of the Nutrition Template that I use for myself and my clients. Subscribing will also let you join the private Facebook group that I just opened (I fixed the link). This group will allow for much more engagement with each other than my Facebook page so I can make sure you guys are getting all of the info you need.

See you tomorrow!

Facebook: Greg Herceg - Personal Trainer
Instagram: @Greg.the.Trainer

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