Thursday, June 29, 2017

Barbell Complexes For Fat Loss 40/84

Cardio is not fun. It's boring and it hurts. Not, like, hurts for a little bit then goes away, just hurts for a long time. I've posted in the past about how I like intervals and circuits for a different conditioning option, but here's other one you can add to the list.

Barbell Complexes are a great way to get a lot of work done in a small amount of time while still getting your heart rate up. You don't have to just go for a run or slug away on an elliptical to get your heart rate higher and get the cardiovascular benefits of cardio. Also, since you're still lifting weights, you don't have to worry nearly as much about the potential muscle loss from doing it. I want to keep this one quick so I will to post a couple of complexes that I have been using with my clients during their fat loss phases. Typically, if we're doing two sessions a week, one will be a complex and the other will be some kind of circuit. These, of course, will be paired with other lifting exercises and I'll often has client do other cardio and conditioning on their own.

Here's a really simple complex you can use to get started. Pick a bar weight and use the same bar for all exercises. Do 10 reps of each exercise, repeat for 5 rounds, and rest about a minute between rounds

1. RDL
2. Bent Over Row
3. Front Squat
4. Push Press

This is very similar to one that I like to start people with and it can also be done with dumbbells or kettlebells if that is more convenient for you.

As we progress through a fat loss phase (usually programmed for about 3 months at a time), I start to add exercises and change the parameters around a bit. This next one can be considered and intermediate complex. Only do 5 reps of each exercise and focus on adding weight to the bar each week. Repeat 6-8 rounds

1. RDL
2. Row
3. Hang Power Clean
4. Push Jerk
5. Back Squat

I don't often use Olympic lifts with my clients because they usually aren't worth the time it takes to teach people. But, I do like to add in a hang power clean because it's simply a transition from holding the bar in your hands to holding it in a front rack. This skill comes in handy whenever we need to do presses with a bar on the floor or go through a complex like this.

This last one I like a lot but I can't take credit for it. It's called the Cosgrove Complex and I first saw it on Testosterone Nation. It consists of 8 exericses and you start by doing 6 reps of each. Do 6 of all of the exercises the first round, then do 5, then 4, then 3 ect down to 1. It is prescribed with 90 seconds of rest but I like to do a 1:1 work to rest ratio, meaning you time how long the round took you then rest for that long between rounds. Here are the exercises,

1. Deadlift
2. RDL
3. Row
4. Power Clean
5. Front Squat
6. Push Press
7. Back Squat
8. Goodmorning

This 6-1 rep scheme is great mentally, because after the round of 5 you're already past half way done! I only make one real change to this and it's usually to omit the goodmorings at the end. Deadlifts, RDLs, and Cleans are enough posterior chain volume and people usually have a good pump in their lower back by the time the goodmornings come around.

So there you go, something new to try on your next conditioning day that will keep you much more involved and get you out of the gym much faster than the elliptical. Hopefully you guys are getting some good information from these posts and we're getting close to the halfway point on my daily posts! If you want to stay up to date on everything, get some free stuff including my Top Fat Loss and Top Muscle Building Tips,  nutrition plan, and access to my private Facebook group, fill out the pop up window on here to become a subscriber. Subscribers will also be the first people I go to for workout testing and free programs so don't wait! As always, if you have any questions at all, or feel like you need some help with this whole fitness thing, reach out to me and I'll do whatever I can to help!

See you tomorrow!

Facebook: Greg Herceg - Personal Trainer
Instagram: @Greg.the.Trainer

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