Sunday, May 21, 2017

Free Starter Fat Loss Workout Program for Women 1/84

Ok, so here's one for the ladies. This program is designed to be both a simple starting program for someone new to lifting or a good change of pace for someone more advanced. In reality, the workouts to lose weight for a man or a women aren't entirely different, but there are some things I added to this program that women tend to want more work for i.e. glutes, shoulders, adductors. Also, physiologically, women do recover faster and are able to withstand more volume than men, so doing a 6 day-a-week program (really 5 1/2) is totally ok. The 6 days of this program are split into 2 lifting days (1 upper body, 1 lower body), 2 full-body conditioning days, and 2 cardio/core days (1 low intensity, 1 high intensity). But note, starting from working out zero days a week and jumping right into six days a week is definitely not recommended. Start with the 2 lifting days plus 1 or 2 other days and then add in slowly from there as you get used to the workload. If you're starting from scratch then you will be sore at the beginning but please don't let that discourage you from continuing. I promise it won't be that bad every week. You can use this program for about 4-6 weeks before it'll be time to make some adjustments or start a new program entirely.

Let's take a look at the program...

Day 1 
Lower Body
Order Rest  Exercise  Sets  Reps 
1a Lateral Monster Walk 3 10e
1b 15s Plank 3 20s
2 90s Goblet Squat 4 10
3 60s RDL 4 10
4 60s Lunge/Side Lunge/ Reverse Lunge 3 5e
5 30s Single-Leg Lying Leg Curl 3 12e
6 45s Weighted Glute Bridge on Bench 3 12
7 as needed    Calf Raises 60
8a Standing Band Adduction 3 15e
8b 15s Standing Band Abduction  3 15e
Day 2
Conditioning 1
Order Rest  Exercise  Sets  Reps 
1 60s Dumbbell Overhead Press 5 8
2 60s Single Arm Dumbbell Row 5 8e
Circuit! 20 minutes
3a Step Ups 10e
3b Barbell Push Press 20
3c Jumping Jacks 30
Repeat as many rounds as you can
Day 3
Cardio 1 
Order Rest  Exercise  Sets  Reps 
1 2 Mile Incline Walk or Stair Stepper
2a Side Plank 5 20s
2b Leg Lifts 5 15
2c 45s Palloff Press 5 12
Day 4
Upper Body
Order Rest  Exercise  Sets  Reps 
1a Dumbbell Front Raise 3 10
1b 30s Dumbbell Reverse Flye 3 10
2 90s Incline Bench 4 10
3 60s Barbell Row 4 10
4 60s Dumbbell Push Press 4 8
5 45s Lat Pulldown 4 12
6a Tricep Press-Down 3 12
6b 30s Facepulls 3 12
7 30s Dumbbell Bicep Curls 3 10
8a/b 30s Front/ Lateral Dumbbell Raise 3 12e
Day 5
Conditioning 2
Order Rest  Exercise  Sets  Reps 
1 60s Sumo Deadlift 5 8
2 60s Split Squat 5 8e
Dumbbell Circuit: 20 minutes
3a RDL 10
3b Bent Over Rows 10
3c Squats 10
3d Presses 10
Day 6
Cardio 2
Order Rest  Exercise  Work Rest
1 Bike Sprints 20s 40s
25 minutes
Sets  Reps
2a Sit-ups 5 15
2b Suitcase Carry 5 40' e.
2c 45s Cable Chops 5 10e

So there is a lot here, but like I said there are 3 different types of workouts; Lifting, Lifting + Conditioning, and Cardio + Core. For the lifting days pay attention to the Exercise Order, and Rest Periods as they will be very important. Exercises with "a" and "b" are meant to be done as supersets, meaning they are done back-to-back before resting. Also, you'll see some reps with "e" after meaning "each side" and "s" after meaning "seconds".

On conditioning days you'll start with 2 heavier exercises followed by a high intensity weight circuit. Total circuit time and reps per exercise are listed and use a weight that is challenging. Each week, try to add a little more in the circuits by either adding weight or doing more work in the same amount of time. Do as much work as you can in each circuit while maintaining good technique.

On cardio days, begin with the cardio then do the core work after. The core work is 3 exercises meant to be done back-to-back like the supersets. Don't rest until you complete all the reps of each exercise then repeat for the prescribed number of sets.

 I know there's a lot going on here but you'll also notice there are some things that this program doesn't have; bodybuilding splits, running, moderate-intensity moderate-duration cardio (what you see most people doing at the gym), and a lot of fluff and excessive extra exercises. It pretty well follows suit with a recent post on my Facebook page about how to get a more effective workout in less time.

I feel that typical bodybuilding-style splits are really only useful if you're training to be a bodybuilder or taking steroids, as those are the people that that type of workout is meant for. Most people will benefit more from upper/lower splits and full body workouts. Next, if you like to run then that's totally cool, but I just don't believe it to be the mecca of weight loss like so many people think it is. But again, if you like it feel free to do it. Moderate-intensity, moderate duration cardio is basically the bane of my professional existence. People flock to treadmills and ellipticals in the hopes that slugging away for an hour will somehow make them lose weight. Personally, I feel that it's pretty much a big waste of time that could be spent in many other places. 

I understand that you may not know all of the listed exercises or that you may not have some of the equipment you need. But do what you can and absolutely feel free to reach out to me on my Facebook Page Greg Herceg - Personal Trainer  with questions and to see all of my other great content.

Also, just using a program like this isn't going to be enough for most people to lose weight or build muscle all by itself. You're going to need to make adjustments to your nutrition to get any real results. I will have a ton of blog posts on this in the coming days and weeks but just know that you are going to have to change something if you really want to make progress. 

Finally, if you want to stay up to date on all of my posts as well as be the first to receive info on my future programs then do me a huge favor and leave your email in the space provided at the top. People on the email list will be the first to hear about upcoming post and programs as well as receiving special discounts on future paid programs. 

Thanks for taking the time to read and good luck!

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