Tuesday, May 2, 2017

FREE Muscle Building Workout for Busy Guys!

If you're reading this then you're probably clicked on it because you're busy and don't have all day to read a blog post about working out. So I'm going to keep this quick and let you get right to the workout. After that, I'll go a little more in depth about why I wrote it the way I did the best way to run it so that you get the results you want. Just know ahead of time, this is a no BS workout. Get in and get out with basic, compound exercises that will be the most effective for most people.

So here you go!

Day 1 
Heavy Upper Body
OrderRest Exercise Sets Reps 
190sBench Press55
2aBarbell Row48
2b60sPush Press 48
3aCable Face Pull310
3b45sCable Tricep Pressdowns310
4aAlternating Dumbbell Curl310e
4b30sDumbbell Lateral Raise312
Day 2
Heavy Lower Body
OrderRest Exercise Sets Reps 
190sBack Squat55
2b60sSplit Squat 48e
3aLeg Curl312
3b45sCalf Raise315
4aAb Wheel Rollout310
4b30sSide Plank320s e.
Day 3 Option 1 
Full Body
OrderRest Exercise Sets Reps 
1bPushups (Weighted if necessary)410+
2aGoblet Squat312
2bPull-ups or Lat Pulldown 312
3aEZ Bar Curl315
4bSeated Calf Raise 320
Day 3 Option 2.1
High Volume Upper
OrderRest Exercise Sets Reps 
1aSingle Arm Dumbbell Row412
1b60sStanding Dumbbell Overhead Press412
2aLat Pulldown (Supinated Grip)412
2b45sPushup (weighted if necessary) 412+
3aEZ Bar Curl315
4aShrugs 315
4b30sDumbbell Reverse Flye315
Day 3 Option 2.2
High Volume Lower
OrderRest Exercise Sets Reps 
1b90sLateral Step-up510
2aGoblet Squat412
2b90sExercise Ball Leg Curl415
3aSide Lunge312e
3b45sSeated Calf Raise320

This program is designed to be a quick, simple and effective muscle building workout. like I said, in and out, no fluff, no BS, just get it done. Most exercises are big, compound movements but there some isolation movements in there as well. There is basically one exercise for each body part each day and one extra heavy lift on the heavy days. This might not be the absolute ideal for some people but if you want to build some solid muscle and only have 30 minutes to crush a workout this can work wonders for you.

This program was written for either a 3 or 4 days a week. The first two days are the same either way and then you have the choice of Option 1, which is a full body workout, or Option 2.1 and 2.2 which are split into upper and lower body like Days 1 and 2. Days 1 and 2 are designed to be heavier days so try to move some good weight. Start with something relatively easy then try to increase a little each week. Day 3's are meant to be a higher rep, slightly lower weight days to get a good pump and recover to lift heavy again.

Order and rest times are listed for each exercise so pay attention to those. If you' really are busy you'll want to take advantage of the super-sets and short rest so you can get in and out of the gym as fast as possible. The super-sets are listed by "a" and "b" along with the exercise number (example: 2a, 2b are to be done back to back).

I also tried to keep the exercises basic so that most people will already know them and most gyms will have the equipment available. No need for a GHD or power rig with band attachments for this one. Like I said earlier, this is a no fluff, no BS workout. It's not watered down with fancy exercise variations and ridiculous rep schemes. Just good old fashion hard work. If you don't know an exercise ask but everything is probably as basic as it seems (basic is usually the best for most people).

This program can get you through about 4-6 weeks of solid muscle building but after that you'll want to switch it up to keep progressing. That would be a great time to contact me to get yourself set up with a personalized program.

Finally, yes, this workout is designed for men, but if you're a women and you would like to use it then absolutely feel free! Just know that I have more of these planned for the near future with workouts more geared towards women and well as workouts geared more towards fat loss. Stayed tuned and make sure to follow Greg Herceg - Personal Trainer on Facebook  as well as leaving your email address above for all of the updates!

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