Sunday, May 7, 2017

My Weekend Hotel Workout

I'm currently in the middle of a much needed 4-day weekend in Atlanta celebrating my friends Chris and Nicole getting married. Obviously, travel can put a huge damper on your normal workout routine but it's no excuse not the hit the gym. These days, most hotels will have a fitness center that is typically equiped with the basics; some treadmills, elipticals, bikes, a few machines, and some dumbbells. Not exactly what you get at most normal gyms but definitely enough to get a decent workout. Today I hit a quick, full body workout using basically only the dumbbells up to 55lbs and the cable crossover machine (one of my favorite prices of equipment that I think any gym should include, even CrossFit and weightlifting gyms). Here's what I did

-5 minute bike warmup

-Dynamic warmup of lunges, squats, RDLs, and rows

- Goblet Squat 4x10 @ 50#
- Single Arm Cable Row 4x10 e.

- Staggered Step RDL 4x10 e. @ 50#
- Single Arm Cable Chest Press 4x10 e.

- Straight Bar Cable Shrugs 3x15
- Forward Lean Single Arm DB Concentration Curl 3x10 e. @ 25#

- Leaning Single Arm Lateral Raise 3x12 e. @ 15#
- Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension 3x12 e. @ 20#

-Side Plank 3x25 sec e.
- Farward Neck Bridges 3x18

- Single Leg Seated Calf Rasie x60 e. @ 50#
- Dumbbell Bicep Curl Drop-set to failure @ 25 and 20#

Everything I did was supersets (SS) for time sake as well as to bump up my heart rate a bit. I also tried to hit each major muscle group at least once and opted for a lot of unilateral variations. To be honest, a single leg squat probably would have been a better option than a Goblet Squat but the way my knees have been feeling I didn't want to mess with it. Single arm and single leg variations can be great options for small gyms like that that don't offer a lot of heavy weight. I promise 50lb dumbbells in each hand for sets of split squats can be plenty tough. Same goes for staggered step, rear foot elevated, or single leg RDLs. Deadlifts aren't the only way to work your posterior chain.

I didn't do any conditioning today but there are plenty of options at gyms like this like...

- Treadmill incline walking
- Bike or treadmill sprint intervals
- Bodyweight and Dumbbell Metcon circuits

Just to name a few. Some exercises to include in a circuit could be...

- Dumbbell clean and jerks
- Dumbbell snatches
- Burpees
- Man Makers*
- Various squats, lunges, and presses
- Sit-ups, leg lifts, or rotational exercises

* Start with a dumbbell in each hand in a push-up position and do the following...
      1. Push-up, row (R)
      2. Push-up, row (L)
      3. Burpees with dumbbells in hand
      4. Clean and press
      That's one rep

Feel free to give this workout a try and let me know what you think. Summer is coming quick but it's never too late to decide to make a change. If you feel like you need additional help please feel free to contact me!

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