Here's a workout I took a Bootcamp class through last week. You may or may not know every exercise written since there is so much jargon in this field but at least try it. Anything is better than nothing. I always start with a dynamic warmup to get the body warm and moving correctly. After, is a plank series for a core and hip warm-up followed by a barbell complex. I love lifting heavy stuff and this is a great way to move some weight while still meeting the expectations of a Bootcamp style class. Go as heavy on that as you can. Next is the condition intervals to really get your heart rate jacked up. If you don't have a rower or a sled find some higher intensity exercise to do like squat jumps, burpees, or running. I finish off with some abs to make the people happy and there you have it! Try it and let me know what you think!
Dynamic warmup (5mins)
- Knee hugs
- Quad stretch
- Cradle strength
- Lunge w/ twist
- Side lunge
- Step touch
- Kick touch
- Arm circles
- Squats
Plank circuit (10 minutes)
4 Rounds
15 seconds each
- Plank
- Side plank (R)
- Side plank (L)
- Glute Bridge Hold
Barbell Complex
5 Rounds
10 reps of each
New round every 2 minutes
- Deadlift
- Bent Over Row
- Power Clean
- Push Press
- Back Squat
Conditioning Intervals
:30on :15off
4 Rounds
- Rowing
- Sled push
- Kettle bell swing
- Push-ups
- Dumbbell Clean and Press
- Active Rest
:15on :15off
3 rounds
- Sit-ups
- Leg lifts
- Russian twist